Imagine waking up one morning and getting a call from your bank informing you that for every dollar you had, you now have quarters. In other words, there is only 25% of your cash left. This horrible scenario is now dawning over many former LandAmerica 1031 exchange customers and they may have little choice but to accept.
Close to 350 former LandAmerica customers had until November 10 to vote on a plan which would have split the proceeds of a bankruptcy ruling according to the type of 1031 exchange agreement they had in place (A U.S. trustee has filed an objection to the ruling which has delayed proceedings). Customers who set up non-segregated plans would have received only $0.25 for every dollar held, those with segregated accounts would have received $0.70, and those who specified their funds be held in an escrow account would have received $0.97.
The reason this tragedy came about was that those customers in LandAmerica without segregated accounts essentially had their money commingled with other customers’ exchange assets. This cash was then used for investment purposes, in this case, auction rate securities which eventually were frozen. As unimaginable as it may seem, this sort of account process is commonplace among many large corporations who facilitate 1031 exchanges. Once your money is handed to them, unless you have asked the question or direct the QI yourself, your cash is dumped into the communal pool of assets. More importantly, you have the worry that the exchange group does not have any knowledge of where the money is held. Your money may be wired to “Treasury Services” such as what happened at LandAmerica.
What has emerged from this case is that you can obtain the same protection for you assets by having the appropriate contract language in place and making sure your proceeds are in separately identified accounts (which ES Group uses 100% of the time). Had this been done, LandAmerica customers would have been able to obtain higher recoveries. Of course, hindsight is always 20/20 and this provides little consolation to those who have seen their wealth disappear. Cases like LandAmerica demonstrate who you do business with and how you do it, is of paramount importance.
At Exchange Solutions Group, we have always ensured our customers’ investments were safe through allowing customers to identify their own bank in which their money will be held. Though it may seem obvious, this option is not available at most other 1031 exchange corporations. By allowing customers to choose their own bank we allow them to introduce a third party (a banker) who is separate from the exchange and can ensure their investments are alone in a separately identified account. The essence of the 1031 exchange is to defer capital gains taxes and continue your investment; this becomes a failed strategy if it’s derailed by poor corporate decision making, or alternatively not knowing what pitfalls to lookout for!
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Close to 350 former LandAmerica customers had until November 10 to vote on a plan which would have split the proceeds of a bankruptcy ruling according to the type of 1031 exchange agreement they had in place (A U.S. trustee has filed an objection to the ruling which has delayed proceedings). Customers who set up non-segregated plans would have received only $0.25 for every dollar held, those with segregated accounts would have received $0.70, and those who specified their funds be held in an escrow account would have received $0.97.
The reason this tragedy came about was that those customers in LandAmerica without segregated accounts essentially had their money commingled with other customers’ exchange assets. This cash was then used for investment purposes, in this case, auction rate securities which eventually were frozen. As unimaginable as it may seem, this sort of account process is commonplace among many large corporations who facilitate 1031 exchanges. Once your money is handed to them, unless you have asked the question or direct the QI yourself, your cash is dumped into the communal pool of assets. More importantly, you have the worry that the exchange group does not have any knowledge of where the money is held. Your money may be wired to “Treasury Services” such as what happened at LandAmerica.
What has emerged from this case is that you can obtain the same protection for you assets by having the appropriate contract language in place and making sure your proceeds are in separately identified accounts (which ES Group uses 100% of the time). Had this been done, LandAmerica customers would have been able to obtain higher recoveries. Of course, hindsight is always 20/20 and this provides little consolation to those who have seen their wealth disappear. Cases like LandAmerica demonstrate who you do business with and how you do it, is of paramount importance.
At Exchange Solutions Group, we have always ensured our customers’ investments were safe through allowing customers to identify their own bank in which their money will be held. Though it may seem obvious, this option is not available at most other 1031 exchange corporations. By allowing customers to choose their own bank we allow them to introduce a third party (a banker) who is separate from the exchange and can ensure their investments are alone in a separately identified account. The essence of the 1031 exchange is to defer capital gains taxes and continue your investment; this becomes a failed strategy if it’s derailed by poor corporate decision making, or alternatively not knowing what pitfalls to lookout for!